
Europe League

Bundesliga: Why are there so many Japanese players? Compatibility with German soccer, influence on J League

Speaking of the Bundesliga, the first division of the German European league, the Japanese players currently playing there and soccer fans are probably very familiar with it. The Bundesliga is counted among the world's top leagues and is considered a very high-level league, so why are Japanese players able to succeed there? We are exploring the reasons why.
Europe League

Serie A: Golden era and current unpopularity: Reasons for its decline

Serie A, the top Italian league, was once considered the best league in the world. The golden age won't last forever, but the reality is that even after falling, there are no signs of it rising again. Why did Serie A become so unpopular that it fell into decline?
Europe League

Premier League: Reason for so many games What is the Big 6?

Speaking of the Premier League, there are a lot of games, but why? You may have the impression that there are a lot of very wealthy clubs. That is true, and since the 2000s, Premier League clubs have been able to use their abundant financial resources to acquire a large number of famous players. But don't you think the Premier League has a lot of games?
Europe League

Spanish League: What is the difference between La Liga and La Liga Espanora? Introducing the powerful team

The Spanish League is one of the top soccer leagues in the world. When it comes to the Spanish league, Real Madrid and Barcelona may be the most famous, but the most exciting match is the clash between the two teams called El Clasico. However, the name of this league varies considerably depending on the person. Let me explain why.
J League

Is the J League dangerous? Why people say it’s boring

Net TV

Free & Paid: Introducing 11 recommended streaming services for watching soccer – A thorough comparison of prices and viewing methods

I want to watch a soccer game, but how much does the video streaming service cost? Here are some live recommendations. Sometimes the distance is too far. In such cases, we recommend watching live or video on TV or free online streaming. With online streaming, you can watch at home and whenever you want. There are many recommended live match streaming services. We will also introduce the pricing plans.