
National Team

National team: Why is Indian soccer so weak? Is cricket the reason for the large population?

Why is the Indian national team's soccer team weak even though it has the largest population among sports? What is the reason? I'll give you an explanation. Speaking of India, it is said to be the most populous country in the world, and isn't it also a very strong soccer player? You may often think that. But, very surprisingly, it is known to be quite weak.
National Team

National team: Why is American soccer so weak? What is the reason why it is not popular?

Why is American soccer's national team weak? What is the reason? I will explain it in the article. It goes without saying that the United States is the world's largest military power, as well as the world's largest economy. However, for some reason America is weak at soccer. Why is that?
Europe League

La Liga: Soccer, why is Real Madrid so popular? Is it because it is strong?

Why is La Liga soccer club Real Madrid so popular in Europe and Spain? What is the reason for the title? I'll give you an explanation. Real Madrid is said to be one of the top clubs in the world, and is known to have many great players, including Cristiano Ronaldo.
J League

J League: Why is Matsumoto Yamaga FC weak even in J3? Explanation of the reason: Is the director the cause?

Why is Matsumoto Yamaga, a professional soccer club in the J League, weak in the J3? Let me explain why. Matsumoto Yamaga was once a team in J1, so it would be normal to think that they are not a team that would be in J3 in the first place. However, now J3 has become a reserved seat, and even promotion to J2 is difficult. Why did this happen?
J League

J League: Why is Shonan Bellmare weak in J1? What is the reason why you don’t have the power and can’t win?

Speaking of the J League's Shonan Bellmare, they are lower in J1 games and either relegated or remain, but in J2 they are ranked higher in the league, and compared to Marinos and Yokohama FC, they are modest, and I can't shake the impression that they are weak in J1. But why is Shonan always said to be weak? And for what reason is it always so weak?